
Seraphim Wins 246MW Solar Project, Ukraine's Largest

Date:Jun 13, 2018

June 13th 2018/Nanjing. Today, Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System Co., Ltd. (“Seraphim”) announced that it won the supply agreement for a monumental 246MW Ukraine solar project, developed by Ukraine’s largest energy group, DTEK. This installation will be Ukraine ‘s largest renewable energy power plant to date. CMEC is the EPC contractor and Seraphim is the sole module supplier.

This 246MW large-scale PV plant is to be constructed in Dnepropetrovsk in central Ukraine. 246MW of Seraphim’s high-efficiency 330W poly modules will be delivered to the project site before the end of August. When commissioned, the project will meet the electricity needs of over 100,0000 citizens, while reducing carbon emissions by 300,000 tons annually. Furthermore, this massive project symbolizes Ukraine’s rise in renewable development, accelerating the influence of clean energy economics on Ukraine and East Europe as a whole.

Polaris Li, President of Seraphim, comments: “Seraphim is particularly proud to be the sole module supplier for this landmark project. It rewards years of hard work and demonstrates the global recognition of Seraphim’s bankable manufacturing processes—including our reliable brand image. This 246MW solar power plant clearly demonstrates Ukraine’s renewable energy ambitions. We are happy to see how our high standards and professional services bring real value to our clients.”

As a quickly-emerging solar market, Ukraine has great potential. The Ukraine government released its 2020 target to increase renewable energy share, compared to total power consumption, from 3.8% to 11%. It is actively investing 3 billion Euros (3.4 billion USD) into solar development. Ukraine has long been one of Seraphim’s most valued markets. Last year, Seraphim shipped 1.2MW of modules to Izmail for another milestone in PV project history. Going forward, Seraphim will continue to actively participate in Ukraine’s solar industry development.